Thursday, March 24, 2011

this is Awesome i love it almost as much as i love ash amd em!!!

look wut i can do!!!!

this is wut i did in class today haha its soo super cool!!! i love the colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

blah skool =(


i dont have anything new to tell ya but i dont think i get to go to my game and that sucks

the BIG DATE!!!!

emmalee has a "study date" more like ewww hahha and i guess im jus gonna have to be jealous!!!!


you think i got problems you shoukd meet my dad!!! oh and i think i need a fone to call my dad cuz im a big baby and dont feel good cuz tai was on the bus and i got scared!!!!! and i hopefully will get to go to my golf game tomorrow arg i hate the snow!!! my bff ash want me to get a pony ride cuz she is way gross cuz i dont do that kinda stuff!!!! goah she's sooo sickoish hahahaha but i love her anyways!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

i think im going to be a wrestler when i grow up i wanna be just like the soumo wrestlers hahaha it would be fun!!! argh love is jus the pits some times hey wanna hear a joke ok ready .....

me: i have to go to the doctors =(
someone else: why?
me : i found a crack in my butt!!! hahaha jk
Dear Ashley Allan,
i would just like to tell you that i think ur way weird but i love you anyways!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

file://dear god this is my poem to all thoes who are heart broken or with somebody that is breaking their heart.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

grr i really hate this class i dont know how to type but thats ok ill live... i think???jk i wonder if my mom has called the skool to talk to my coach yet... grrr i 4 got mii lunch aww the cutiest thing mii bff likes shawn buxton idk who ash likes but its way cute i jus love love and B.T.W i dont have a boyfriend i jus have guy friends speeking of which i get to go see Auston and im sooo super excited =) i love that kid hahaha
AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW life is great!!!!but you know i could really use a mtn. dew!!! i have computer apps next hour yay i get to sit on mii butt and do nothing!!!
ok so im at school right now and it sucks cuz the guy that i think i love doesnt evenknow that im around anymore. =( but thats ok cuz maybe i dont need him and maybe i do but you know who cares!!! =)i really cant live with out mii ipod and i cant live wit out mii besties and i jus love mii family and my dog moose and mii kitten scrump. i named my kitten after lilo and stich!!! i love that movie an di jus love how its about family!!! well thats it for today i jus wannted to let ya all know jus a little bit about meh&& im kinda mad that i have to go to lava tonight to clean up the golf course cuz im a golfer and it stinks but ill be able to handle it hahaha