Wednesday, March 16, 2011

ok so im at school right now and it sucks cuz the guy that i think i love doesnt evenknow that im around anymore. =( but thats ok cuz maybe i dont need him and maybe i do but you know who cares!!! =)i really cant live with out mii ipod and i cant live wit out mii besties and i jus love mii family and my dog moose and mii kitten scrump. i named my kitten after lilo and stich!!! i love that movie an di jus love how its about family!!! well thats it for today i jus wannted to let ya all know jus a little bit about meh&& im kinda mad that i have to go to lava tonight to clean up the golf course cuz im a golfer and it stinks but ill be able to handle it hahaha

1 comment:

  1. i jus discovered that mii besties in the whole wid world are the bestiest ppl evr!!!!
